Monday, January 12, 2009


The wahoo fish taco video was about three brothers loving to surf and wanting a buisness that deals with extreme sports but yet still wanting it to pay for the bills.They get together and come up with wahoo and open the buisness and how they advertise is by helping other stores advertise there new companies/stores and they realize how they are just like them. Also wat they do is give out free food out at like extreme tournaments and they really like the food and it makes them want more food.

Marketing-is the creation and maintenance of satisfyingexchang realationships

Marketing mix- to prform a tasksassociated with marketing

Wahoo's blends the 4 P's of product,price, distribution(place),and promotion by having their own set of rules. They have low prices because they are trying to get the 18-24 year olds to be able to afford the prices. They promote by going to extreme sports events and giving their food for free and also by helping advertise other companies.

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